Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Story of Friday │Infotainment Nepali Short Film

Published on Jun 26, 2015
This short movie is based on the real incidents that happen in our societies but this is not a true story. A lot of times we don’t pay attention to these small problems. These small issues could sometime lead to the decision of life or death. There are many people who cannot resolve these issues. In this movie young unemployed Nima is in deep love with Prava...
Director: Moni Rai
Story: Santa Subba
Script: Krishna Limbu, Thamjit Lepcha & Santa Subba
Subtitle: Bedan Acharya
Narrator: Krishna Limbu

Nim Tamang
Asha Budathoki
Prava Rai
Sikkum Subba

Post Production:
AZ Studio